this technology is very attractive because it allows us to fix the animal's head and move it, so that we can combine electrophysiology, optogenetics or imaging techniques to allow animals to conduct simple or complex behavioral experiments in a virtual reality environment, thereby obtaining stable observations of brain cell activity.
the virtual reality system includes the following components
surround display system: virtual reality scenes through TFT surround monitoring system. TFT the surround monitoring system is composed of five 19-inch high-resolution, high-response monitors, which make the experimental animals feel as if they are in the virtual world. there is enough space above the surround monitoring system to build electrophysiological or two-photon imaging systems.
air suspension ball system: it includes an aluminum ball rack with a compressed air supply device at the bottom of the rack to suspend the polystyrene ball. there are different sizes of suspension systems for large and small mice.
X/Y motion sensing device: used to detect the two-dimensional coordinates of the suspended ball and coordinate the reality of the suspended ball and the virtual world.
stimulation system: can be combined with various stimulation modules such as hearing, touch, smell, etc. to stimulate and reward experimental animals /penalty setting.
various user-defined mazes
powerful and flexible control & analysis software
system matching POLY_Files the software can flexibly change the virtual environment of animal experiments. for example, we can change the length and width of the maze, the texture of the wall, and the speed of movement. at the same time, according to the performance of the animal, set rewards (movable water pipes) and punishments (air blowing) can be given.
POLY_Files the software can also perform statistical input on the following parameters:
* the distance the animal travels, its speed,
* the path the animal takes (when it has a choice),
* the number of rewards received,
* the number of puffs sent to the animal, etc.
seamless integration with in vivo electrophysiology and two-photon imaging
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