PatchServercombining automatic and manual patch clamps respectivelyadvantage. automation increases ease of use and throughput while still providing the benefits of manual patch clamp methods using glass microelectrodeshigh data quality. modular designPatchServer adds automation capabilities to the classic patch clamp device. that is, the device can still be used manually without modifying parameters. it uses standard glass microelectrodes and uses a step-by-step procedure applied by experimenters.
* Making manual patch clamping easier and more effective* Single cells can be visually assessed before experiments* Automatic supply of cells andGiga-Ohmseal* Automatically establish whole-cell recording mode* Suitable for standard glass microelectrodes* Get the highest data quality at low operating costs* From the most4simultaneous recording with multiple diaphragm microelectrodes* Optional ultra-fast drug delivery system (<1 ms)
* Automation of traditional patch clamp devices